Logo Design Files

Learn How to Use Your Logo Design With This Ultimate Guide To File Formats


Those names above sound like some sort of company abbreviations, but they’re not…

Hello Everyone, and welcome to our weekly edition of The Learning Center.

Today, I would like to talk about a frequent question we get here at The Logo boutique.

Customer: Why did you send me all those files? I just need my logo, nothing else.

The Logo Boutique: Mr. Obama, every time we close a project, we send your logo in different File Formats, that’s why you see so many versions of your logo.

This question always comes next…

Customer: Different what??? what’s the difference between those? why would I need them?

The logo Boutique: Sure, let me explain to you…

I’m not saying everyone lacks knowledge about the different file formats and their usage, but they could get really confusing, especially with weird names like EPS or PNG. When you’re working with digital image files, it is essential to know the differences between each file format, so you know when to use them.

So, here’s a list of all the different file formats we use in every project and a short explanation of each one.

1- GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)

This file format has the unique ability to display a sequence of images, similar to a short video, called an animated GIF. That means that with this type of format you can have a logo with a short animation, like a blinking necklace or perhaps a rockstar moving his hand rocker movement.

GIFs can be used effectively for limited-color images, like logos or any image where transparency is important. Do not use GIFs for full-color product photos and staff portraits, for example, where color variances are important, remember that GIF colors are limited to 256. We can deduce that this is the most used file on the web.

2- PNG (Portable Network Graphics)

PNG was created to improve upon and replace GIF as a file format not requiring a patent license. PNG graphics have a better compression rate than GIF images which result in smaller images than the same file saved as a GIF.

PNG files offer transparency as well as animation, It could be used in any background.

3- JPEG (Joint Photographic Expert Group)


It is the most common type of format for logos, as a matter of fact, most people are familiar with this format. You can actually edit this type of file if you open it with an illustrator like Photoshop.

As its name suggests, it was specifically developed for storing photographic images. It has also become a standard format for storing images in digital cameras and displaying photographic images on internet web pages.

4- PDF (Portable Document Format)

It’s a file format used to represent documents in a manner independent of application software, hardware, and operating systems. You might be familiar with this one! we all use it when sending work files or a final work for college.

5- EPS (Encapsulated PostScript)


It’s a standard graphics file format for exchanging images. and in most cases, the file can contain any combination of text, graphics, and images.

Time For Conclusions

As soon as you get your project’s final files, try to look for all these file formats and think “where can I use my logo design with this format?” perhaps you come up with the great idea of print your logo in shirts or any type of clothing. Now you know when to use it and where to use them.

Corporate ID Package

Original Price $329.00


Team of Graphic Designers
 Logo + Business Card Package Included
1st Concepts in 24 hours
Original Letterhead Design
Original Envelope Design
Stationery Revisions
500 Business Cards FREE
Account Manager
Satisfaction Guarantee
100% Ownership of Artwork

Logo + Business Card Package

Original Price $259.00


Team of Graphic Designers
Unlimited Logo Concepts
Unlimited Logo Revisions
1st Concepts in 24 hours
Business Cards Design
Business Cards Revisions
500 Business Cards FREE
Dedicated Project Manager
Multiple File Formats
Satisfaction Guarantee
100% Ownership of Artwork

Boutique Logo Package

Original Price $199.00


Team of Graphic Designers
Unlimited Logo Concepts
Unlimited Logo Revisions
1st Concepts in 24 hours
File Formats (AI, PDF, JPG, PNG, BMP, GIF)
Dedicated Project Manager
Creative Director
Satisfaction Guarantee
100% Ownership of Artwork

Red Tag Logo Package

Original Price $120.00


Team of Graphic Designers
10 Original Logo Concepts
Unlimited Logo Revisions
1st Concepts in 24 Hours
File Formats (AI, PDF, JPG, PNG, BMP, GIF)
Dedicated Project Manager
Creative Director
Satisfaction Guarantee
Ownership of Artwork

Corporate ID Package

Original Price $329.00


Logo + Business Card Package

Original Price $259.00


Boutique Logo Package

Original Price $199.00


Red Tag Logo Package

Original Price $120.00


Team of Graphic Designers
 Logo + Business Card Package Included
1st Concepts in 24 hours
Original Letterhead Design
Original Envelope Design
Stationery Revisions
500 Business Cards FREE
Account Manager
Satisfaction Guarantee
100% Ownership of Artwork
Team of Graphic Designers
Unlimited Logo Concepts
Unlimited Logo Revisions
1st Concepts in 24 hours
Business Cards Design
Business Cards Revisions
500 Business Cards FREE
Dedicated Project Manager

Multiple File Formats

Satisfaction Guarantee
100% Ownership of Artwork
Team of Graphic Designers
Unlimited Logo Concepts
Unlimited Logo Revisions
1st Concepts in 24 hours
File Formats (AI, PDF, JPG, PNG, BMP, GIF)
Dedicated Project Manager
Creative Director
Satisfaction Guarantee
100% Ownership of Artwork
Team of Graphic Designers
10 Original Logo Concepts
Unlimited Logo Revisions
1st Concepts in 24 Hours
File Formats (AI, PDF, JPG, PNG, BMP, GIF)
Dedicated Project Manager
Creative Director
Satisfaction Guarantee
Ownership of Artwork